Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dan Carter Tee Toronto

Exchange # 550 5.7.1 RESOLVER.RST.AuthRequired; authentication required

Pues aunque mi problema fue gracioso os cuento, estabamos acabando un proceso de migración de un Exchange de una organización a otra y solo nos quedaba por pasar el nateo a puerto 25 directo al nuevo NLB del HUB de Exchange 2007, cuando todos los mail con la cuenta con la que probabamos no devolvia:

#550 5.7.1 RESOLVER.RST.AuthRequired; authentication required ##

Finalmente descubrimos que justo con el usuario que estabamos probando tenia la casilla de "Requerir autentificación a los remitentes" por lo que al ser correos externos los devolvia, bueno en fin, esto pasa cuado se crean grupos, que for security check box is marked on this, but if they are to use as Internet account must be removed.

Signs Of Schizophrenia More Condition_symptoms

Install Windows 2003 on a DL 320 G4 -> 0x00000019

Well I put it to not lose a single moment as I had to install Windows on this type of equipment in RAID.

The story is that the customer had a single disc and wanted to buy another RAID1 system, as well as Smart Start but their documentation says that if this does not install this equipment.

To create the RAID, perimero have to enable SATA RAID in the Bios and then create the RAID1 through the Bios of the embedded SATA controller.

Then you have to create a CD of Windows 2003 SP1 or higher with the SATA drivers embedded in the CD, you can do it by hand (a roll) or use Nlite a good free utility. Well

the Bios is very important to disable Virtual Installation Disk before installing the operating system.

Well with all this make the installation of Windows and when we will finish the last proliant support pack and have all drivers configured.

If you do not remove the option Virtual installation disk, you will see this beautiful screen with this error:

BAD_POOL_HEADER 0x00000019


Well worth the Installation Disk Virtual , for what that I have read and unproven, is a virtual host these for embedded SATA driver during the Windows installation polish F6 and enter these drivers from the virtual hard disk, but I have not had a chance to prove it, if someone did or I can correct if I am right, do it please.
