Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Usher Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

Configure DHCP on Red Hat

Well to time I did not write something, but this is a bit as an excuse to not let it stand.

In my travels in Spain, I have had a direct and indirect in turn learn to master the red hat, haha.

Well it took me to see that ip was giving to a device and did not know where to watch this and Found: The path

/ etc dhcpd.conf file have , if it is where you can edit configure your DHCP.

other hand on the route / var / lib / dhcp / encontrams dhcpd.leases file where you see the allocations made editing. Well

and talking a little bit of everything I also met the command vi for editing and viewing a kind of writer or wordpad windows.

Well if you put vi and file you edit this file, but the question is "How can I save as I get out of it ????, vi

: q -> us we
: wq ---> store and we left.

Well at the end I see that I have to reconcile the windows with the penguin. :)