Thursday, February 1, 2007

Alzhimers More Condition_symptoms

free introductory course GNU / Linux (Certified to Argentina)

Class 1: Introduction to free software.
What is free software? - History of Linux - Distributions Concept

Class 2: Installing Mandriva Linux system
Preparation - Explanation of the system partition - Select Package - Living Windows-Linux.

Class 3: Basic Operation
text mode commands to manage files, users and processes. Complete description of the Linux directory tree.

Class 4: Management
basic graphical X11 graphics system - managers desks.

Class 5: Tools popular (Firefox, Abiword, Kmail, etc.).
applications Description most popular open source for home and office.

Class 6: How to connect Linux and Windows networking tools
FTP and Samba.

Class 7: System Update
Installing new applications. Maintenance and administration.

Class 8: Final evaluation with online certification from LAD

Duration: 2 months (8 classes). Orders

There is time until March 2007 to join the same after that date the registration was closed.


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