Section 1: Declaration, Initialization, and Scope (Step 1)
We will now begin the study of each of the sections (objects or areas) that make up the exam, begin with section No. 1 describing the details and doing a mind map on which we will base our preparation, ie as study.
The following information was extracted and translated from the official site of Sun Microsystems, which can be viewed here
1: Declaration, Initialization and Scope
Develop code that declares classes (including abstract and all types of nested classes), interfaces and enumerations, and include the proper use of package and import statements (including static import)
Develop code that declares an interface. Develop code that implements or extends one or more interfaces. Develop code that declares an abstract class. Develop code that extends an abstract class.
Develop code that declares, initializes, and uses primitives, arrays, enums, and object variables as static, instance and local levels. Also permitted to use identifiers for variable names.
Develop code that declares both static and nonstatic methods, and, if appropriate-use method names that adhere the standard name "JavaBeans". Also develop code that declares and uses a variable argument list length.
Given a code example, determine if a method is correctly overwritten or over-charged by another method, and identify legal return values \u200b\u200b(including co-variant returns) for a method.
Given a set of classes and superclasses, develop constructors for one or more classes. Given a class declaration, determine if the default constructor will be created, and then determine the behavior of that constructor. Given a list of nested classes or nested, write code to instantiate the class.
If we look at each of the items get relevant information that we know in particular, this information can represent it in a mind map at this URL can access a repository of mental maps. There's the first version of our map, as we proceed with the study will grow to cover the full review, for now only reflects the section No. 1, clicking on each item will be watching the topics that will be explored to meet successfully the first (of seven) to be examined.
Knowledge Bases
Now see where each node of our mental map. Each node represents a concept or programming language feature and also now make a target of SCJP exam and transform us as we are by experts who know the language, each node is something we should know in depth.
One of the most complex to address the objectives of the review is that may seem redundant, entangled, confused, etc. If you see the mind map are "repeated" several terms as Classes, Enums, etc.. This may seem complex, but consider the parent nodes to understand the specific objective we need to understand. Now when we move in the other topics if they discover a dark side and is the crossing of objectives, ie the incorporation of a new target will generate a change or add a condition that no before we knew it, there is no way to explain this clearly or give an example without going into technical details that will confuse those who read them, we do not worry, just keep in mind that the objectives are well formulated, only that abstract classes (for example) need to know declare and spread, and both traits were studied separately, that the review as it considers necessary.
Now we have to rely on knowledge bases to deepen or learn everything required to become a Sun Certified Java Programmer. Now we will use essential that we discussed in the last Post, but to request a visitor's start with the Java tutorial.
Java Tutorial
The Java tutorial can be accessed from here . There is only one detail Sun people working very hard .... and already updated to version 6.0!, and this is very good, now the test is still in version 5.0, but the truth is that changes in the platform conflict with the objectives of the review, if you prefer you can download it from here .
For those who have (or motivated by this blog buy: P) book ( paper ) Tutorial Java (4 th edition), includes an appendix devoted to the preparation of the review these are the pages covering content under section No. 1 test:
- Page 87: Declaring classes
- Page 161: abstract classes and methods
- Page 122: Nested Classes
- Page 139: Interfaces
- Page 128: Enum Types
- Page 183: Creating and Using Packages
- Page 187: Instructions import, import and use static members
now links to the electronic version (html) of the tutorial are here:
- Declaring Classes
- Abstract Methods and Classes
- Nested Classes
- Interfaces
- Enum Types
- Creating and Using Packages
- Using Package Members (import statements, static Imports)
Unfortunately this information is in English, but remember this is a technical English vocabulary is quite limited. Now the test can take it in English, but improve our standard of English although it is technically not hurt anyone.
already have plenty to study, do it thoroughly, remember that certification is a result of our level of knowledge, it is important to obtain knowledge. Any questions you know where can find the answer, can leave a comment and the sooner you will have the answer.
In the next post, we will review the specification to dive into the details of language and prepare a set of questions that allow us to validate that we have understood each of the concepts or features included in this objective.