Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Long Travel Blueprints

webmaster. NetBeans

Dear Subscriber / a desarrolloweb.comGracias the agreement of our online training company has made with, you can benefit today from 5 months of vocational training for webmasters. The contents of the videos you'll enjoy over the next five months are: March 2007

How to create a web project from its beginning to its end.

April 2007 Introduction to web programming with PHP.

May 2007 Introduction to web design and programming with Flash. June 2007

Creating Web Databases.

July 2007 Introduction to Digital Retouching with Photoshop.
If you are a starter in the fascinating world of creating Web pages, then these videos are for you. If
want to miss any of the videos, I recommend you notes now, and every month we will update the website content, showing only the contents of that month


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