SIC By resolution of the gas workers, a certified
* SENA announces gas companies make alliances and certify workers' job skills. * The Labour Competency Certificate is awarded by the Seine or envido accredited to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce-SIC.
* Employers and employees can consult Occupational Competency Standards defined by the Gas Sector Roundtable.
Bogotá, DC October 6, 2008 .- All persons associated with household gas installations must have the Certificate of Competency Standards. As established
Resolution No. 14471 of the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, through which establishes the requirements for suitability of facilities for the supply of gas in residential and commercial buildings, needed to eliminate and prevent hazards that threaten the health and safety of Colombians.
The cited provision states that both workers linked to companies, such as those engaged in construction, expansion, reform, review, or approval of gas facilities, may be certified in Occupational Competency SENA.
According to that decision, the Certificate of Competency Standards, required of persons performing work on gas installations, is issued by the Seine and personnel certification bodies accredited to the Superintendency of Industry and Trade, such as Icontec and SGS. Mandatory Certification
"In Europe and the U.S., gas fitters and technicians must be certified compulsorily by accredited bodies by the State to ensure the prevention of accidents and life and health of users, experts said Fernando Garcia Dalmaut English and Carlos Gonzalez, guest speakers at the International Seminar "Achievements and Challenges in the Gas Sector in the National Competitiveness", organized by the Seine, through the Habitat Centre and Construction of regional Antioquia, and the Directorate of National Training for Work in partnership with Natural Gas companies, EPM, West and Surtigas gases.
Gonzalo Garcia and reiterate that "as the global trend is to guarantee the lives and health of users, permanent gas companies are developing new products and systems, such as substances to put natural gas odor, electronic leak detectors, monitoring virtual networks, and special coatings for pipelines that carry fuel. "
The international seminar held recently in Bogotá, attended by about 300 entrepreneurs, executives and gas experts from all over the country, was aimed at raising awareness among businesses about the benefits of the Certificate of Competency Standards; present technological trends in the field of materials and equipment to safeguard the lives of people; show of Occupational Skills Standards, built by the Gas Sector Board; and disseminate the portfolio of services provided by SENA to support quality improvement and business performance and gas workers.
What is certification?
The Labour Competency Certification Programme is part of Colombia Certifica and strategies advanced by the Seine to boost the competitiveness of different economic sectors and the country.
Another strategy of competitiveness of the sector roundtables SENA, involving business, labor, production associations, government agencies, educational institutions and job training, and research and technological development. In these tables defined quality standards-Standards of Competence, which must meet the workers for a competitive performance in the world of work
Gas addition, SENA has launched and led 67 other sectoral tables, the same number of Colombian economic sectors and activities. Invitation
companies interested in companies linked to the Oil Sector Officers can contact Nohora Judith Hernandez, deputy director of the Habitat Centre and Construction of the Seine in Antioquia, tel: 094-4442800, ext.3010 / 3060.
Similarly, gas workers, interested in receiving job skills certification, must contact the respective SENA training institute specializing in the needs of industrial sectors (gas).
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