Monday, February 1, 2010

Plattwood Park Deep River Ct Admission

Stop using your ISP's mail and used the same procedure as such

Hi I see many questions on websites, forums .... on this issue I plan to mention to in a general way what steps we do to achieve this end.

This first image shows an environment they share it with the mail service outsourced to an ISP and on the other side may well have a Exchange with pop3 connector downloading this isp accounts, or directly from our network computers getting off this mailing each with their ISP account.

In this image I show is now where we want to get there:

These would be the steps we take to reach a satisfactory conclusion:

1. Create or modify a policy in our internal Exchange where add and apply to all existing accounts. You have to set as the default SMTP account.

2. Acquire a public IP if it is available to configure either the router or firewall (to them talk to your provider of telephone communications either,, or that whatever)

3. Perform NAT on the router / firewall everything points to that public IP on port 25 to go to your IP of your internal Exchange server.

4. Talk to the company with which domain tengais hired and tell him you want to change the MX record public IP pointing to this than we are talking about.

Usually this type of operation can be performed from a menu of control of the provider's domain that facilitates this. (Recommended perform this step on a Friday afternoon, so time to sincornizarse the weekend)

Similarly if you can do the same firm with which you have the domain, if you from the menu of which I speak, You must create a record in the DNS of your public domain pointing to this record MX, this record is type A, which you can appoint as mail, mail ... it is merely to have a name.


- MX record IP = published

- A = MX record

An example following the images above: MX = =

Finally if all goes well you terminate service with the ISP that you had.


tests to see if your MX record is changed, you can do this:





'll see an image like this:

If out this data and displayed other is surely not yet been replicated or not there has been change your MX record is pointing even to your ISP.

A good and for the client, remove the pop account setup you had before and use the Exchange client or the ports that you be using and if you use the remove exchange pop connector and go.

help and I hope you comment on anything.


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