Wednesday, July 4, 2007

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Monday, June 18, 2007

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I hope you enjoy the talk.

Best regards

****************************** ******

Luis Almeida
The Classroom Formative Web Learning Vocational School
Webmaster. ****** ******************************

Thursday, June 14, 2007

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

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Friday, May 25, 2007

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

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You can download the videos from here

Thanks to Luis Almeida
Formative Classroom
P / Conde de los Gaitanes
Madrid Madrid 28109 Spain

More info here: / ofertaespecial.php

Friday, April 13, 2007

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Saturday, April 7, 2007

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

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Section 1: Declaration, Initialization, and Scope (Step 1) Test Preparation

Section 1: Declaration, Initialization, and Scope (Step 1)

We will now begin the study of each of the sections (objects or areas) that make up the exam, begin with section No. 1 describing the details and doing a mind map on which we will base our preparation, ie as study.

The following information was extracted and translated from the official site of Sun Microsystems, which can be viewed here


1: Declaration, Initialization and Scope

  1. Develop code that declares classes (including abstract and all types of nested classes), interfaces and enumerations, and include the proper use of package and import statements (including static import)

  2. Develop code that declares an interface. Develop code that implements or extends one or more interfaces. Develop code that declares an abstract class. Develop code that extends an abstract class.

  3. Develop code that declares, initializes, and uses primitives, arrays, enums, and object variables as static, instance and local levels. Also permitted to use identifiers for variable names.

  4. Develop code that declares both static and nonstatic methods, and, if appropriate-use method names that adhere the standard name "JavaBeans". Also develop code that declares and uses a variable argument list length.

  5. Given a code example, determine if a method is correctly overwritten or over-charged by another method, and identify legal return values \u200b\u200b(including co-variant returns) for a method.

  6. Given a set of classes and superclasses, develop constructors for one or more classes. Given a class declaration, determine if the default constructor will be created, and then determine the behavior of that constructor. Given a list of nested classes or nested, write code to instantiate the class.

If we look at each of the items get relevant information that we know in particular, this information can represent it in a mind map at this URL can access a repository of mental maps. There's the first version of our map, as we proceed with the study will grow to cover the full review, for now only reflects the section No. 1, clicking on each item will be watching the topics that will be explored to meet successfully the first (of seven) to be examined.

Knowledge Bases

Now see where each node of our mental map. Each node represents a concept or programming language feature and also now make a target of SCJP exam and transform us as we are by experts who know the language, each node is something we should know in depth.

One of the most complex to address the objectives of the review is that may seem redundant, entangled, confused, etc. If you see the mind map are "repeated" several terms as Classes, Enums, etc.. This may seem complex, but consider the parent nodes to understand the specific objective we need to understand. Now when we move in the other topics if they discover a dark side and is the crossing of objectives, ie the incorporation of a new target will generate a change or add a condition that no before we knew it, there is no way to explain this clearly or give an example without going into technical details that will confuse those who read them, we do not worry, just keep in mind that the objectives are well formulated, only that abstract classes (for example) need to know declare and spread, and both traits were studied separately, that the review as it considers necessary.

Now we have to rely on knowledge bases to deepen or learn everything required to become a Sun Certified Java Programmer. Now we will use essential that we discussed in the last Post, but to request a visitor's start with the Java tutorial.

Java Tutorial

The Java tutorial can be accessed from here . There is only one detail Sun people working very hard .... and already updated to version 6.0!, and this is very good, now the test is still in version 5.0, but the truth is that changes in the platform conflict with the objectives of the review, if you prefer you can download it from here .

For those who have (or motivated by this blog buy: P) book ( paper ) Tutorial Java (4 th edition), includes an appendix devoted to the preparation of the review these are the pages covering content under section No. 1 test:

  • Page 87: Declaring classes
  • Page 161: abstract classes and methods
  • Page 122: Nested Classes
  • Page 139: Interfaces
  • Page 128: Enum Types
  • Page 183: Creating and Using Packages
  • Page 187: Instructions import, import and use static members

now links to the electronic version (html) of the tutorial are here:

Unfortunately this information is in English, but remember this is a technical English vocabulary is quite limited. Now the test can take it in English, but improve our standard of English although it is technically not hurt anyone.

already have plenty to study, do it thoroughly, remember that certification is a result of our level of knowledge, it is important to obtain knowledge. Any questions you know where can find the answer, can leave a comment and the sooner you will have the answer.

In the next post, we will review the specification to dive into the details of language and prepare a set of questions that allow us to validate that we have understood each of the concepts or features included in this objective.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Herpes In The Stomach

SCJP Exam Preparation

Now let himself to prepare the SCJP certification exam, but before you answer the question that perhaps many are asking: how?. Many will have as an expectation with respect to a blog dedicated to certification is that it is full of tricks, tips, questions, "type", and much more about it. The truth is that the "methodology" will not be chosen and explain that this is the methodology chosen, answer another common question as to the way most "short" to get a certification: what if I buy a book and practice tests dedicated to the certification, I can be sure to pass the certification, the answer is no, then I guarantee that the pass certification?, only one thing: knowledge.

no doubt that a good book for certification and practice tests (especially the latter) are a useful tool to improve our knowledge, but can also be a double-edged sword, if we buy a book to learn Java certification is a very sensitive issue, and certification that the books are not for those with little knowledge and experience in Java, and if is the most likely to be poor in terms of exam preparation, so the questions can multiply or worse, make us believe that we master the language we know some advanced features, but this is nothing but a sort of illusion that we spend the account when taking the exam.

This blog will discuss in detail the level of knowledge required in each topic (or section, target, etc.) covering review and we will use tools (resources, content, practice tests) free of costs and available online, many of them from Sun Microsystems. If you do not have money to buy a book or practice tests, do not worry, everything you need to pass the exam is available on the Web! or where they think they got the information they write books or do practice tests? ... shhh this latter is a secret do not tell anyone ...


Certification This certification is for programmers interested in demonstrating their ability in the fundamentals of Java programming language using the Java Platform Standard Edition (JSE).

The programmer certification exam for Java 5.0 platform is for programmers experienced using the Java programming language. Achieving this certification provides clear evidence that a programmer understands the basic syntax and structure of the Java programming language and can create applications using Java technology to run on servers and desktop systems using J2SE 5.0.

  • Submitted by: Authorized Prometric Testing Centers

  • Prerequisites: None

  • Other exams / assignments (tasks) required for this certification: No

  • Review Type: Multiple choice and drag and drop

  • Number of questions: 72

  • Passing Score: 59% (43 of 72 questions)

  • Time Limit : 175 minutes

The Essential

If we talk about sources of knowledge which covers the details of each test section, first appears (no doubt) " Java Language Specification " , "there's everything you need to know ?.... almost, only two details to consider first is a" specification " and therefore things may appear unclear, the second is that we can bring some surprises to see the implementation time, very important indeed because without practice is not going to get anywhere, folks "memoriones" I have bad news to them, and talk about it;)

Second (no doubt again) the "Java Tutorial" that will be our salvation when "Backus-Naur Form" is present in our dreams (or rather nightmares) from reading the specifications without success in learning.

Thirdly there are a few books (Java Series) covering topics in an ideal way for those who are improving their knowledge of Java technology. We'll talk them.

Fourth tools or third-party resources (so not Sun, but also free) that can help us go a little beyond (as we require review), or get another point of view, always welcome.

That would be all ... for now .... and forward them to the 'sources' on which to develop this blog in preparation for the review and preview them a tool that will be part of our methodology: "FreeMind" which can get here, information about what's behind the tool can be found on WikiPedia

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Long Travel Blueprints

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Iron-deficiency Anemia More Condition_symptoms

to ask!.

NetBeans is one of the most powerful development environments that exist for open source Java.
On its website, plus the ability to download the software, it is possible to order a CD with no cost NetBeans ...
Order your CD here
Source: http://blog.cortex- /

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dyspnea More Condition_symptoms

SCJP Certification "?

In this first post, we will address before of all the importance of certifications in the IT world and respond to common questions, making clear they are and are NOT certified.

Common Questions: What is a certification? Why it certified?, Why they are so difficult is it, If I do not certify, it means something terrible?

Many of these questions have crossed my mind of who starts at the "world" of certifications, as these sound interesting, who has assumed the it and the other awakens envy, which generates even more the interest of the people, which is very interesting to analyze. What

is a certification? We

by, looking for a good definition (not as contrived and there in the IT world) we are in SAR with: "Document in ensuring the truth of a fact" ( source) .. .. can not have a better definition, but now we have two questions: What paper? and "A fact?.

The document will define (being redundant, which gives coherence to the definition) as a certificate, a letter is usually a certificate that contains reliable data. This certificate is issued by who is securing "the truth of a fact." Now what that actually we talking about?. There are two important parts in the definition of "fact", the subject and what we say with regard to this. It is important to remember that certifications do not apply only to individuals, if not that organizations, processes, etc.

The "fact"

certifications born of the need to identify and / or credit and / or guarantee, knowledge and / or skill and / or competition and / or standards and / or procedures. The combination we can do with AND or OR, can be very varied and interesting time, but this last depend on who issues the certificate (or rather who creates certification) is who is certifying the fact, then the subject accepts and acknowledges the certification and mechanism through which obtained.

The mechanism for obtaining a certificate are usually evaluations (questionnaire type) assisted by a computer, online and safeguards anti-fraud, but also we can find the development of small projects that can not only measure knowledge (very comfortable for "memoriones") if the skills and competencies (practical experience) of a subject. This mechanism or through certification can be managed by an independent body such as Thomson-Prometric, this does not mean that Sun is not the creator of the certification, if not the great job that means the record date and time coordination, infrastructure and global coverage, Sun delegated to a third party. And let this clear, when we look in detail each certification.

To have a concrete and specific definition a certificate, you must stop at a certification in particular, we let slope when we address each of the Sun Microsystems Java certifications.

What companies are certified in their products or technologies with Sun Microsystems?, estas son algunas:

Cisco,Microsoft,Novell,Citrix,IBM,Oracle,3COM,AccessData,ACI,Adobe,American College,APC,Apple,ARE,Ariba,BICSI,Business Tests,Checkpoint,Cisco,Citrix,CIW,Computer Associates,CWNA,Dell,EC-Council,EMC,Enterasys Networks,Ericsson,Exam Express,Exin,Inc,Extreme Networks,FileMaker,Fortinet,Foundry Networks,Fujitsu,GMAT,Guidance Software,HDI,Hitachi,HP,Huawei,Hyperion Solutions,IBM,IISFA,ISACA,ISC,ISEB-ITIL,ISM,Juniper,Legato,Lotus,LPI,Lucent,MCAFEE,McDATA,Microsoft,Mile2Security,NCR ,Teradata,Network Appliance,Network Associates,Network General,Nokia,Nortel,Novell,Inc,OMG,Oracle,Patchlink,PMI,Polycom,Red Hat Riverstone SAIR SAS Institute SCO, SCP, SeeBeyond, SNIA, Sybase, Symantec, Telecommunication Industry Association, Teradata, Tibco Software Inc Trend TruSecure Unisys, Universitas 21 Global, Veritas, VMware.

Why be certified?

Motivations for a certification are varied and consider many factors ranging from personal challenges to legal matters. In the case of certifications that apply to individuals we are, in many cases a great deal of support or recognition from the industry, ie have a certification opens doors and allows us to compete with certain advantage compared with those who do not.

Having a certification is to give our career credentials that allow us to ensure an entity (organization, company, etc) a certain level of knowledge and / or skills and earned a third party, and certainly this entity is also confident . We can make an analogy with the infrastructure that supports digital certificates, which issues a third party in which we and other trusts.

Why are so difficult is it?

The truth is that in general we can say that all certifications are difficult, from the perspective of those facing for the first time for certification and has a knowledge deficit and / or skills. With this last we can say the following: the difficulty of a certification is directly related to the lack of knowledge and / or skills that we have with respect to the objectives (materials, content to be measured), which in practice means that for those actually has knowledge of the objectives measured by successfully passing a certification is trivial.

If I do not certify, it means something terrible?

So if we do not spend a certificate, you do not know anything?, Before you answer this delicate question continue arguing the "maximum" subtly defined above. Back in time (short or long, see you: P) until the time for higher education (university, technical, etc) after a review (you choose the subject / field / material) that comments towards the end?: "was very difficult", "very easy", "more or less" ... now, the "advantaged" most likely course is that it always responded "very easy" and others (myself included) we split between " was very difficult! " and "more or less", recalling our own experience, we can then directly associate success with the level of knowledge? ... for sure. Now, consider other factors as, motivation, interests, environment, education, etc, etc ... but none of the above justify the failure to acquire the necessary knowledge to pass the exam.

Failure to pass a certification is the best way forward because we know exactly what our strengths and weaknesses, although we adopt a certificate, we also have feedback, ie we have an opportunity that no other.

That is NOT a

certification is also important to note that certification in any case is the level of a college degree or technical level, whether engineering or degree. The reason is quite obvious, if we want to a comparison of a certification level can only take an exam to pass a course (of many that have a college degree), however, not every review and any subject is not valid for comparison, we must find a course a level equivalent in content, complexity, maturity, quality, learning hours and a couple of etc ... the most likely end up with only a few subjects (subjects or classes) to qualify for this comparison, which plays significantly in favor of certification.

Why are they important?

Let's start with an anecdote. After completing an interview work, which posited with a friend, it told me: "I think we should bring our mothers to job interviews because they are the only ones that could hold a meeting of more than 30 minutes arguing strongly that we the best, smartest, most astute and most beautiful of all the world. " Was absolutely right, the issue is that organizations require something a "little" more seriously.

As has been said certificacción give us credentials, which can be used in different contexts, allowing us to take advantage in that in many cases, for example to give a talk, make a "paper" and especially when find a new job. The mechanism classic recruitment consists of an interview (personal, psychological, etc) and technical evaluation to measure whether the candidate meets the job requirements. This last point is quite controversial in several respects, we start with a question: who drew up the technical evaluation was competent? case study this (good blog). There is the problem, what happens if the assessment (either interview or "paper") is subjective? or poor technique? or perhaps poorly designed?. Let's say that certifications are to solve this problem, since someone already earned knowledge / skills of the candidate, then the organization only focus on assessing the candidate in the context of play and no work on technical aspects and also in many cases is not the business of the organization.

The process of IT recruitment is a major challenge for the HR area (HR certification is a see here), particularly in the rapidly changing technologies and skills involved , knowledge and skills have to deal with these changes and still be aligned to business needs. Considering this, the certificates meet at least 50% of this problem, and to implement on their own "certification" as a great work, which often consume time that did not provide the business and require a lot of work to avoid the evils mentioned above. A chemical is some help. Certifications

Sun Microsystems Java

The following information has been removed from the site Oficial Sun.

Sun certification program in Java technology is recognized by the industry, is a worldwide program that focuses on critical job roles in software development and enterprise architecture. These certifications, focusing on technology, knowledge and skills acquired while preparing for the certification are transportable from one company to another.

Sun's philosophy is that certification is central to the learning process as it provides validation of skill sets for specific job roles. Sun certification also offers a natural progression to support your career goals.

  • First, being a "Sun Certified Associate" Sun verify that you have a base set of knowledge that enables entry into a career in software development or managing a project using Java technology.
  • Secondly, Sun verify a key set of skills that can be validated becoming in "Sun Certified Programmer."
  • Then you can continue with advanced or specialty certifications that allow for professional growth in more specific job roles that will make you more valuable to an organization.

Sun offers the following Java technology professional certifications:

  • Sun Certified Java Associate (SCJA) Blog
  • Sun Certified Java Programmer Sun (SCJP) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Java Developer (sCJD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
  • (SCEA) Sun Blog

Sun clarifies that "the goal of Sun certification is to test a particular job role. Thus, to prepare for a certification exam we recommend Sun training and six to twelve months experience real. Sun does not say that taking the courses is guaranteed pass certification exams, however indicated that Sun training is an important component in certification preparation. "In future" posts "will discuss this in detail.

Benefits of Certification

already presented the certificates as an aid when seeking employment, but is it true? look for yourself: Try here or here or here now all depends on the development IT where they lived or want to work, definitely there will be places where the certificates do not matter IT as the level is low or underdeveloped, however the advantages of having a valid certification and will always be a matter of time that certifications take courage, in fact, a couple of years ago speak of ISO-9000 was to talk about unknown, until funeral today are ISO-9000 certified. Let

Sun says about
In short:

1) To apply for new positions, salary increases, etc. (Source: Certification Magazine)
2) support of a big company (Source: Foote Partners and CIO Magazine)
3) Sun certifications are valid worldwide
4) Increased credibility colleagues or managers
5) Greater confidence about our knowledge or skills
6) Increased productivity

This would be the introduction to the world of certifications.

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Monogrammed Laundry Bags


In this first post, we will address first and foremost the importance of certifications in the IT world and respond to common questions, making clear they are and are NOT certified.

Common Questions: What is a certification? Why it certified?, Why they are so difficult is it, If I do not certify, it means something terrible?

Many of these questions have crossed my mind of who starts at the "world" of certifications, as these sound interesting, who has assumed the it and the other awakens envy, which generates even more the interest of the people, which is very interesting to analyze.

What is a certification? We

by, looking for a good definition (not as contrived and there in the IT world) we are in SAR with: "Document in ensuring the truth of a fact" ( source) .. .. can not have a better definition, but now we have two questions: What paper? and "A fact?.

The document will define (being redundant, which gives coherence to the definition) as a certificate, a letter is usually a certificate that contains reliable data. This certificate is issued by who is securing "the truth of a fact. "Now what we are talking fact?. There are two important parts in the definition of" fact ", the subject and what we want to make sure about this. It is important to remember that certification not only apply to individuals, if not that organizations, processes, etc.

The "fact"

certifications born of the need to identify and / or credit and / or guarantee, knowledge and / or ability and / or competition and / or standards and / or procedures. The combination we can do with AND or OR, can be very varied and interesting time, but this last depend on which issues the certificate (or rather who created the certification) is who is certifying the fact, then the subject accepts and acknowledges the certification and mechanism through which obtained.

The mechanism for obtaining a certificate are usually evaluations (questionnaire type) assisted by a computer, online and safeguards anti-fraud, but also we can find the development of small projects that can not only measure knowledge (very comfortable for "memoriones") if the skills and competencies (practical experience) of a subject. This mechanism or through certification can be managed by an independent body such as Thomson-Prometric, this does not mean that Sun is not the creator of the certification, if not the great job that means the record date and time coordination, infrastructure and global coverage, Sun delegated a third party. And let this clear, when we look in detail each certification.

To have a concrete and specific definition a certificate, you must stop at a certification in particular, we let slope when we address each of the Sun Microsystems Java certifications.

companies are certified in their products or technologies además de Sun Microsystems?, estas son algunas:

Cisco,Microsoft,Novell,Citrix,IBM,Oracle,3COM,AccessData,ACI,Adobe,American College,APC,Apple,ARE,Ariba,BICSI,Business Tests,Checkpoint,Cisco,Citrix,CIW,Computer Associates,CWNA,Dell,EC-Council,EMC,Enterasys Networks,Ericsson,Exam Express,Exin,Inc,Extreme Networks,FileMaker,Fortinet,Foundry Networks,Fujitsu,GMAT,Guidance Software,HDI,Hitachi,HP,Huawei,Hyperion Solutions,IBM,IISFA,ISACA,ISC,ISEB-ITIL,ISM,Juniper,Legato,Lotus,LPI,Lucent,MCAFEE,McDATA,Microsoft,Mile2Security,NCR ,Teradata,Network Appliance,Network Associates,Network General,Nokia,Nortel,Novell,Inc,OMG,Oracle,Patchlink,PMI,Polycom,Red Hat Riverstone SAIR SAS Institute SCO, SCP, SeeBeyond, SNIA, Sybase, Symantec, Telecommunication Industry Association, Teradata, Tibco Software Inc Trend TruSecure Unisys, Universitas 21 Global, Veritas, VMware.

Why be certified?

Motivations for a certification are varied and consider many factors ranging from personal challenges to legal matters. In the case of certifications that apply to individuals we are, in many cases a great deal of support or recognition from the industry, ie have a certification opens doors and allows us to compete with certain advantage compared with those who do not.

Having a certification is to give our career credentials that allow us to ensure an entity (organization, company, etc) a certain level of knowledge and / or skills and earned a third party, and certainly this entity is also confident . We can make an analogy with the infrastructure that supports digital certificates, which issues a third party in which we and other trusts.

Why are so difficult is it?

The truth is that in general we can say that all certifications are difficult, from the perspective of those facing for the first time for certification and has a knowledge deficit and / or skills. With this last we can say the following: the difficulty of a certification is directly related to the lack of knowledge and / or skills that we have with respect to the objectives (materials, content to be measured), which in practice means that for those actually has knowledge of the objectives measured by successfully passing a certification is trivial.

If I do not certify, it means something terrible?

So if we do not spend a certificate, you do not know anything?, Before you answer this delicate question continue arguing the "maximum" subtly defined above. Back in time (short or long, see you: P) until the time for higher education (university, technical, etc) after a review (you choose the subject / field / material) that comments towards the end?: "was very difficult", "very easy", "more or less" ... now, the "advantaged" most likely course is that it always responded "very easy" and others (myself included) we split between " was very difficult! " and "more or less", recalling our own experience, we can then directly associate success with the level of knowledge? ... for sure. Now, consider other factors as, motivation, interests, environment, education, etc, etc ... but none of the above justify the failure to acquire the necessary knowledge to pass the exam.

Failure to pass a certification is the best way forward because we know exactly what our strengths and weaknesses, although we adopt a certificate, we also have feedback, ie we have an opportunity that no other.

That is NOT a

certification is also important to note that certification in any case is the level of a college degree or technical level, whether engineering or degree. The reason is quite obvious, if we want to a comparison of a certification level can only take an exam to pass a course (of many that have a college degree), however, not every review and any subject is not valid for comparison, we must find a course a level equivalent in content, complexity, maturity, quality, learning hours and a couple of etc ... the most likely end up with only a few subjects (subjects or classes) to qualify for this comparison, which plays significantly in favor of certification.

Why are they important?

Let's start with an anecdote. After completing an interview work, which posited with a friend, it told me: "I think we should bring our mothers to job interviews because they are the only ones that could hold a meeting of more than 30 minutes arguing strongly that we the best, smartest, most astute and most beautiful of all the world. " Was absolutely right, the issue is that organizations require something a "little" more seriously.

As has been said certificacción give us credentials, which can be used in different contexts, allowing us to take advantage in that in many cases, for example to give a talk, make a "paper" and especially when find a new job. The mechanism classic recruitment consists of an interview (personal, psychological, etc) and technical evaluation to measure whether the candidate meets the job requirements. This last point is quite controversial in several respects, we start with a question: who drew up the technical evaluation was competent? case study this (good blog). There is the problem, what happens if the assessment (either interview or "paper") is subjective? or poor technique? or perhaps poorly designed?. Let's say that certifications are to solve this problem, since someone already earned knowledge / skills of the candidate, then the organization only focus on assessing the candidate in the context of play and no work on technical aspects and also in many cases is not the business of the organization.

The process of IT recruitment is a major challenge for the HR area (HR certification is a see here), particularly in the rapidly changing technologies and skills involved , knowledge and skills have to deal with these changes and still be aligned to business needs. Considering this, the certificates meet at least 50% of this problem, and to implement on their own "certification" as a great work, which often consume time that did not provide the business and require a lot of work to avoid the evils mentioned above. A chemical is some help. Certifications

Sun Microsystems Java

The following information has been removed from the site Oficial Sun.

Sun certification program in Java technology is recognized by the industry, is a worldwide program that focuses on critical job roles in software development and enterprise architecture. These certifications, focusing on technology, knowledge and skills acquired while preparing for the certification are transportable from one company to another.

Sun's philosophy is that certification is central to the learning process as it provides validation of skill sets for specific job roles. Sun certification also offers a natural progression to support your career goals.

  • First, being a "Sun Certified Associate" Sun verify that you have a base set of knowledge that enables entry into a career in software development or managing a project using Java technology.
  • Secondly, Sun verify a key set of skills that can be validated becoming in "Sun Certified Programmer."
  • Then you can continue with advanced or specialty certifications that allow for professional growth in more specific job roles that will make you more valuable to an organization.

Sun offers the following Java technology professional certifications:

  • Sun Certified Java Associate (SCJA) Blog
  • Sun Certified Java Programmer Sun (SCJP) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Java Developer (sCJD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
  • (SCEA) Sun Blog

Sun clarifies that "the goal of Sun certification is to test a particular job role. Thus, to prepare for a certification exam we recommend Sun training and six to twelve months experience real. Sun does not say that taking the courses is guaranteed pass certification exams, however indicated that Sun training is an important component in certification preparation. "In future" posts "will discuss this in detail.

Benefits of Certification

already presented the certificates as an aid when seeking employment, but is it true? look for yourself: Try here or here or here now all depends on the development IT where they lived or want to work, definitely there will be places where the certificates do not matter IT as the level is low or underdeveloped, however the advantages of having a valid certification and will always be a matter of time that certifications take courage, in fact, a couple of years ago speak of ISO-9000 was to talk about unknown, until funeral today are ISO-9000 certified. Let

Sun says about
In short:

1) To apply for new positions, salary increases, etc. (Source: Certification Magazine)
2) support of a big company (Source: Foote Partners and CIO Magazine)
3) Sun certifications are valid worldwide
4) Increased credibility colleagues or managers
5) Greater confidence about our knowledge or skills
6) Increased productivity

This would be the introduction to the world of certifications.

"I guess it's hard for People Who Are So Used To The Way They Are Things - Even if they're bad - to change. 'Cause They kind of give up. And When They do, everybody kind of Loses" @ Pay it forward

Un Locker The Blo Cker


In this first post, we will address first and foremost the importance of certifications in the IT world and respond to common questions, making clear they are and are NOT certified.

Common Questions: What is a certification? Why it certified?, Why they are so difficult is it, If I do not certify, it means something terrible?

Many of these questions have crossed my mind of who starts at the "world" of certifications, as these sound interesting, who has assumed the it and the other awakens envy, which generates even more the interest of the people, which is very interesting to analyze.

What is a certification? We

by, looking for a good definition (not as contrived and there in the IT world) we are in SAR with: "Document in ensuring the truth of a fact" ( source) .. .. can not have a better definition, but now we have two questions: What paper? and "A fact?.

The document will define (being redundant, which gives coherence to the definition) as a certificate, a letter is usually a certificate that contains reliable data. This certificate is issued by who is securing "the truth of a fact. "Now what we are talking fact?. There are two important parts in the definition of" fact ", the subject and what we want to make sure about this. It is important to remember that certification not only apply to individuals, if not that organizations, processes, etc.

The "fact"

certifications born of the need to identify and / or credit and / or guarantee, knowledge and / or ability and / or competition and / or standards and / or procedures. The combination we can do with AND or OR, can be very varied and interesting time, but this last depend on which issues the certificate (or rather who created the certification) is who is certifying the fact, then the subject accepts and acknowledges the certification and mechanism through which obtained.

The mechanism for obtaining a certificate are usually evaluations (questionnaire type) assisted by a computer, online and safeguards anti-fraud, but also we can find the development of small projects that can not only measure knowledge (very comfortable for "memoriones") if the skills and competencies (practical experience) of a subject. This mechanism or through certification can be managed by an independent body such as Thomson-Prometric, this does not mean that Sun is not the creator of the certification, if not the great job that means the record date and time coordination, infrastructure and global coverage, Sun delegated a third party. And let this clear, when we look in detail each certification.

To have a concrete and specific definition a certificate, you must stop at a certification in particular, we let slope when we address each of the Sun Microsystems Java certifications.

companies are certified in their products or technologies además de Sun Microsystems?, estas son algunas:

Cisco,Microsoft,Novell,Citrix,IBM,Oracle,3COM,AccessData,ACI,Adobe,American College,APC,Apple,ARE,Ariba,BICSI,Business Tests,Checkpoint,Cisco,Citrix,CIW,Computer Associates,CWNA,Dell,EC-Council,EMC,Enterasys Networks,Ericsson,Exam Express,Exin,Inc,Extreme Networks,FileMaker,Fortinet,Foundry Networks,Fujitsu,GMAT,Guidance Software,HDI,Hitachi,HP,Huawei,Hyperion Solutions,IBM,IISFA,ISACA,ISC,ISEB-ITIL,ISM,Juniper,Legato,Lotus,LPI,Lucent,MCAFEE,McDATA,Microsoft,Mile2Security,NCR ,Teradata,Network Appliance,Network Associates,Network General,Nokia,Nortel,Novell,Inc,OMG,Oracle,Patchlink,PMI,Polycom,Red Hat Riverstone SAIR SAS Institute SCO, SCP, SeeBeyond, SNIA, Sybase, Symantec, Telecommunication Industry Association, Teradata, Tibco Software Inc Trend TruSecure Unisys, Universitas 21 Global, Veritas, VMware.

Why be certified?

Motivations for a certification are varied and consider many factors ranging from personal challenges to legal matters. In the case of certifications that apply to individuals we are, in many cases a great deal of support or recognition from the industry, ie have a certification opens doors and allows us to compete with certain advantage compared with those who do not.

Having a certification is to give our career credentials that allow us to ensure an entity (organization, company, etc) a certain level of knowledge and / or skills and earned a third party, and certainly this entity is also confident . We can make an analogy with the infrastructure that supports digital certificates, which issues a third party in which we and other trusts.

Why are so difficult is it?

The truth is that in general we can say that all certifications are difficult, from the perspective of those facing for the first time for certification and has a knowledge deficit and / or skills. With this last we can say the following: the difficulty of a certification is directly related to the lack of knowledge and / or skills that we have with respect to the objectives (materials, content to be measured), which in practice means that for those actually has knowledge of the objectives measured by successfully passing a certification is trivial.

If I do not certify, it means something terrible?

So if we do not spend a certificate, you do not know anything?, Before you answer this delicate question continue arguing the "maximum" subtly defined above. Back in time (short or long, see you: P) until the time for higher education (university, technical, etc) after a review (you choose the subject / field / material) that comments towards the end?: "was very difficult", "very easy", "more or less" ... now, the "advantaged" most likely course is that it always responded "very easy" and others (myself included) we split between " was very difficult! " and "more or less", recalling our own experience, we can then directly associate success with the level of knowledge? ... for sure. Now, consider other factors as, motivation, interests, environment, education, etc, etc ... but none of the above justify the failure to acquire the necessary knowledge to pass the exam.

Failure to pass a certification is the best way forward because we know exactly what our strengths and weaknesses, although we adopt a certificate, we also have feedback, ie we have an opportunity that no other.

That is NOT a

certification is also important to note that certification in any case is the level of a college degree or technical level, whether engineering or degree. The reason is quite obvious, if we want to a comparison of a certification level can only take an exam to pass a course (of many that have a college degree), however, not every review and any subject is not valid for comparison, we must find a course a level equivalent in content, complexity, maturity, quality, learning hours and a couple of etc ... the most likely end up with only a few subjects (subjects or classes) to qualify for this comparison, which plays significantly in favor of certification.

Why are they important?

Let's start with an anecdote. After completing an interview work, which posited with a friend, it told me: "I think we should bring our mothers to job interviews because they are the only ones that could hold a meeting of more than 30 minutes arguing strongly that we the best, smartest, most astute and most beautiful of all the world. " Was absolutely right, the issue is that organizations require something a "little" more seriously.

As has been said certificacción give us credentials, which can be used in different contexts, allowing us to take advantage in that in many cases, for example to give a talk, make a "paper" and especially when find a new job. The mechanism classic recruitment consists of an interview (personal, psychological, etc) and technical evaluation to measure whether the candidate meets the job requirements. This last point is quite controversial in several respects, we start with a question: who drew up the technical evaluation was competent? case study this (good blog). There is the problem, what happens if the assessment (either interview or "paper") is subjective? or poor technique? or perhaps poorly designed?. Let's say that certifications are to solve this problem, since someone already earned knowledge / skills of the candidate, then the organization only focus on assessing the candidate in the context of play and no work on technical aspects and also in many cases is not the business of the organization.

The process of IT recruitment is a major challenge for the HR area (HR certification is a see here), particularly in the rapidly changing technologies and skills involved , knowledge and skills have to deal with these changes and still be aligned to business needs. Considering this, the certificates meet at least 50% of this problem, and to implement on their own "certification" as a great work, which often consume time that did not provide the business and require a lot of work to avoid the evils mentioned above. A chemical is some help. Certifications

Sun Microsystems Java

The following information has been removed from the site Oficial Sun.

Sun certification program in Java technology is recognized by the industry, is a worldwide program that focuses on critical job roles in software development and enterprise architecture. These certifications, focusing on technology, knowledge and skills acquired while preparing for the certification are transportable from one company to another.

Sun's philosophy is that certification is central to the learning process as it provides validation of skill sets for specific job roles. Sun certification also offers a natural progression to support your career goals.

  • First, being a "Sun Certified Associate" Sun verify that you have a base set of knowledge that enables entry into a career in software development or managing a project using Java technology.
  • Secondly, Sun verify a key set of skills that can be validated becoming in "Sun Certified Programmer."
  • Then you can continue with advanced or specialty certifications that allow for professional growth in more specific job roles that will make you more valuable to an organization.

Sun offers the following Java technology professional certifications:

  • Sun Certified Java Associate (SCJA) Blog
  • Sun Certified Java Programmer Sun (SCJP) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Java Developer (sCJD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Web Component Developer (SCWCD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Business Component Developer (SCBCD) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services (SCDJWS) Sun Blog
  • Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer (SCMAD) Blog
  • Sun Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
  • (SCEA) Sun Blog

Sun clarifies that "the goal of Sun certification is to test a particular job role. Thus, to prepare for a certification exam we recommend Sun training and six to twelve months experience real. Sun does not say that taking the courses is guaranteed pass certification exams, however indicated that Sun training is an important component in certification preparation. "In future" posts "will discuss this in detail.

Benefits of Certification

already presented the certificates as an aid when seeking employment, but is it true? look for yourself: Try here or here or here now all depends on the development IT where they lived or want to work, definitely there will be places where the certificates do not matter IT as the level is low or underdeveloped, however the advantages of having a valid certification and will always be a matter of time that certifications take courage, in fact, a couple of years ago speak of ISO-9000 was to talk about unknown, until funeral today are ISO-9000 certified. Let

Sun says about
In short:

1) To apply for new positions, salary increases, etc. (Source: Certification Magazine)
2) support of a big company (Source: Foote Partners and CIO Magazine)
3) Sun certifications are valid worldwide
4) Increased credibility colleagues or managers
5) Greater confidence about our knowledge or skills
6) Increased productivity

This would be the introduction to the world of certifications.

"I guess it's hard for People Who Are So Used To The Way They Are Things - Even if they're bad - to change. 'Cause They kind of give up. And When They do, everybody kind of Loses" @ Pay it forward

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Alzhimers More Condition_symptoms

free introductory course GNU / Linux (Certified to Argentina)

Class 1: Introduction to free software.
What is free software? - History of Linux - Distributions Concept

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Preparation - Explanation of the system partition - Select Package - Living Windows-Linux.

Class 3: Basic Operation
text mode commands to manage files, users and processes. Complete description of the Linux directory tree.

Class 4: Management
basic graphical X11 graphics system - managers desks.

Class 5: Tools popular (Firefox, Abiword, Kmail, etc.).
applications Description most popular open source for home and office.

Class 6: How to connect Linux and Windows networking tools
FTP and Samba.

Class 7: System Update
Installing new applications. Maintenance and administration.

Class 8: Final evaluation with online certification from LAD

Duration: 2 months (8 classes). Orders

There is time until March 2007 to join the same after that date the registration was closed.

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Obviously require registration.

Friday, January 26, 2007

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friends Apurence spaces are limited!.
I copy the mail from the director of DesarroloWeb
Good Morning,

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Over the next few days, a major training company, will conduct an online course introduction to digital retouching with Photoshop.
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The entire course is conducted in videos made with Flash, so they are compatible to see whether you have a Windows operating system, Mac or Linux.
This is an exclusive agreement to, which means that only subscribers can access this course without paying the 47 euros it costs.
If interested, you should only access the course through this URL:
The only condition is that I have access to these videos will be limited to a maximum number of people depending on "That hold the server."
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As far as notice that your server starts to saturate, will not have access to more people, and simply remove the page.
Something that I found reasonable.
Remember that costs nothing. And the media is sent over the Internet, so no matter what country you live. Or you plan on traveling these days go.
You take the course from anywhere in the world! One of the advantages of online training.
If you do web design or graphic design in general, is a course you should not miss.
Even if you know Photoshop, you may discover in this course new techniques to create striking effects did not know.
addition started in Photoshop, is a unique opportunity to see how a course online.
not every day you have the opportunity to access such materials without scratching your pocket.
If interested, please register via this address to access the course:
Do it now, because we expect high demand and can be accessed if you try few hours too late.
This is a great opportunity that is presented every day and not should be missed.
Best regards,

Miguel Angel Alvarez Director of
Full details at:

Friday, January 5, 2007

Strep Infection More Condition_symptoms

Certificate with Microsoft "Net Guard Academy" Free Online Courses

These holidays?, with nothing to do?, Certificate with Microsoft ... take holidays to get you certified in Microsoft validates security level to put in more internacional.Algo your resume for free and you should not let it pass by ... To register go to: After you log in with a hotmail account, if your mail is not registered your hotmail or live mail Filled book, I recommend that you enter the actual data because if you do you got the diploma on behalf of ... mmm "arnoldo Viafara" When you ask for an id:

enter this code: 42d4ded7-A600-43e1-8f5b-e79c72353e17
(yours can not use it on your record, but then you tell your friends that use it) you get ready to give and study center in materials and begin to document yourself, when you feel ready do the examen.luego you get your folder "My Folder" where you can watch the webcast and documentation extra.en this post (Net Guard Academy ) you can put your doubts but NOT ASK ANSWERS EXAMINATION because the idea is to learn.
