Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dirt Bike Racing Cakes

BAD_POOL_HEADER Paradores of Spain

Well have a little neglected the blog for not ... I'm just traveling through Spain in a project to exchange servers in the hostels, but I will try to watch.

certainly the last "Salamanca" beautiful views and good food -> recommended

Dental Hygienist/ Cover Letter Sample

Install Windows 2008 R2 on a HP Proliant

Well not with any other version of Smart Start is not 8.30 or higher.

I ate the head with selecting Windows 2008 at 8.25 dry and nothing, this 8.30 or higher.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Darmowe Serwery Bez Reklam

We have an application online to configure our setup for our servers DDR3 RAM .

Monday, November 9, 2009

Whole Sale Maybelline Dream Matte

In NOTI-SENA: Teacher Certification Industrial Center

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blepharitis Causes More Condition_symptoms

The Candidate Portfolio Standard Induction

All Process Certification Candidates must possess a "Portfolio of Evidence" in which documents the following information:

1. The folder must be marked externally with: Full name, ID number, Certification, Standards that certifies and group.

2. In the inner part must contain appropriate docket:

• Certificate / letter of work experience
• Photocopy of identification card, readable

Registration • Register • Standard (S) that is being certified
• Register Plan Evaluation and Presentation of Evidence
• Answer sheets applied instruments (CT) (Knowledge)
• Minutes Improvement Plan, if there
• Answer Sheets of instruments used in 2nd time and 3rd time, if there . Checklists
• Evidence of performance and product. • Registration Statement
• Application / record of postponement, withdrawal, transfer or cancellation of the process
Letter (s) of appeal (s) if there

This portfolio makes evident the whole process of certification of job skills assessment conducted by the candidate.

Rivotril Vs Alplazolam

240201045, Orient learning processes in distance methodology based on the curriculum

for consultation to all candidates in the certification process presentation on Wednesday, November 4, 2009.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

For Instructors Certification Process: General Standards Catalogue

Here for consultation on Standards General Catalog updated October 13, 2009.

Mens High Blood Pressure More Condition_symptoms

Instructor in

The following is the presentation used in the stage of awareness to the procedure to evaluate and certify the work skills of Civil Servants of SENA instructors.

Instructor Certification Presentation
View more presentations from juanu .

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Don Vito Bam Margera Star Tattoo

Certification Process Certification: Instructors

Industrial Center, with To strengthen the skills of their instructors, begins the process of certification of job skills. This process begins with the process SENSIBIOLIZACIÓN ECCL on Wednesday October 28 at 6:00 pm at the Salon Entrepreneur of our Centre. We invite all our officials to seize this great opportunity.

Attached Schedule of work developed by our team of Certified Public Servants.

Click on image to enlarge

Friday, October 23, 2009

Capture Npr Media Player Stream Vlc

DDR3 Memory Configuration Tool Live a redirect

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eye Cataracts More Condition_symptoms

Cacique expreciencia Owa / Exchange

Well although this is nothing new that came out quite some thousand items of the same I'll be the 1001, haha. For

that when we want our user to enter the web mail from our exchange, we must always tell the user to type in your browser https: / / server / exchange well If we really want to simplify it and do not put / exchange have two modes:


Create a file called default.asp and contains the following code:

This file stored in c: \\ inetpub \\ wwwroot for IIS to catch it.


Set as pictured and ready:


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evinrude 4hp 4806e Impellor

Industrial Center Certification Standards for Master General Building Works

For inspection of all candidates for certificates as Master General Building works, public Occupational Competency Standards for Certification. These 4 rules that include the different construction processes required for the construction of buildings will be used for self-testing to be performed with the New Party candidates.

Myammee Without Weave

Maestro Awareness for General Building Construction Teacher

Awareness During the talk held on Sunday 26 July were submitted and 280 301 088 280 301 087 Standards for Degree: Master General Building Work. Then the public for information of stakeholders.

Earache More Condition_symptoms

Awareness for General Building Works

then publish the presentation used during the awareness held on Sunday July 26 and 280 301 086 280 301 085 Standards for Degree: Master General Building Work:

Wayne J. Sheldon Pilot

Certification: Masters in Building works

From 26 July, we launched the call for Certifying Teachers generally work in the region who were enrolled for the Degree: Master General Building work.

Induction For them made public last Sunday, allowing them to understand the scope of the certification process.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Headjoint Size Brannen

Advisory. HP Strongly Recommends Replacing this power supply

If the Onboard Administrator of your blade chassis to version 2.50 or higher you start flashing the LED on the little screen in your chassis indicating this error:

Help: Service Advisory. HP Strongly Recommends Replacing this power supply at the customer's Earliest possible convenience pursuant to Customer Advisory c01519680.
not alarmed
Well what happens is that you must change the power sypply who are affected by a new HP that sends free.

You have to order them at this website:

https: / / h30090.www3.hp.com/pcc-CPS /

introducís click place order and the S / N of the sources affected either by hand or the value you have in the same web.

MORE INFORMATION: http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c01519680

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Zoneminder Euresys Multicam

How a print cluster

In Windows 2003, we have to have this clear Quorum, but to set a spooler resource need:

- shared drive (where you saved the drivers and tail spooler)

- Name

virtual - virtual IP address

printers are added as simple as \\ \\ nombrevirual
Add Printer (follow the steps and ready)

This will leave a copy in \\ \\ nombrevirtual \\ print $ owner node (C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ spool \\ drivers) and "drive-shared: \\ PrinterDrivers"

When you finish installing the printer, move the resource to another node and then copied all the new drivers of "Unity-Shared \\ PrinterDrivers" to print $ (Local).
ports and other information stored in comparito so Hkey_local_Machine \\ cluster \\ resources \\ $ spooler GUID \\ Parameters \\ Monitors \\
For more detail
Microsoft -> http://support .microsoft.com/kb/278455/es

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sinus Tachycardia More Condition_symptoms

Certification News from NOTIDÍA, SENA Newsletter of the Atlantic Regional Convention

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lymphoma Disease More Condition_symptoms

Certification Advances in Seine-ARGOS: Applied Knowledge Test

On the morning of Sunday, March 9, attended the application of the knowledge tests Candidates who are in the process of certification Labor skills SENA-ARGOS agreement.

We used the assessment tool called QUESTIONNAIRE (CT) consists of a series of questions that can verify the essential knowledge must have and apply the candidate for the achievement of expected results in the standard. These tests were developed in the Industrial Center and Atlantic Aviation Regional and endorsed by the sector table.

The event took place normally and the times determined by the assessor corresponded with previously established.

The next step is the evaluation of each of the tests applied and the corresponding value in concept: MEETS or not yet performed.

When the candidate does not have the total of the evidence required by the Standard, is recorded in the respective format (YET FAIL) and noted the areas to be strengthened in order to be evaluated in a second moment. Only valid when applied in this second questions that include only the factors on which the candidate did not comply at first. For this, the assessor prepares a second test with the topics selected.

This week held the standard of proof applied and personally announced the result to each candidate. Success in Test!.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blueprint For Swing Set

be assessed on competencies? Visit the Company

During an evaluation procedure - certification of job skills, the evaluator includes basically three types of evidence: Evidence

Performance, helping to collect the basic tasks carried out by the worker to perform quality function. This evidence taken in the workplace is usually taken as an instrument using a checklist that has prepared in advance. Evidence

Product , which collects the evidence of the result of work undertaken by the worker, ie, finished products. example: el área de un baño enchapado. Para ello también el evaluador utiliza la mayoría de veces listas de chequeo avaladas por la mesa sectorial.

Evidencia de Conocimiento, que permite recoger los conceptos que son considerados esenciales para el desempeño del trabajador y que este debe poseer. Generalmente, el evaluador utiliza el Instrumento denominado Cuestionario, en donde se han formulado una serie de preguntas que el Candidato debe responder sin margen de error.

Todas las evidencias anteriores, se basan en el rango de aplicación, considerado como el escenario laboral en donde las tecnologías, las herramientas, las máquinas, los procedimientos, son tenidos en cuenta for the worker to demonstrate their competence at work.

All the evidence collected, allow the Assessor declaring Proficient candidate, or not yet competent when it identifies gaps that the worker has to be overcome orienting a breeding process that almost always leads to a process of formation.

Red Quinceanera Dresses


N ur second visit to the facilities of the company DUPONT DE COLOMBIA, located on Route 40 with Calle 85, the city of Barranquilla. There we have to evaluate two candidates: ARIEL CASTRO JAVIER TORRES and those who aspire to become certified in Titling "MASTER GENERAL OF WORKS IN BUILDINGS" and make part of the Seine-ARGOS CONVENTION.

After a great safety routine, with a protocol ranging from identification, fingerprints and photo footage of the Assessor, we went to the premises of the company for taking evidence of performance and productivity of our candidates.

addition to the candidates we receive the Engineer ISIDRO AVILA, Head of General Services, a very nice person, which explain the procedures and who also gave us some very good references of the individuals.

Both work for the Company PUCCINI There. Javier as Contractor, for 7 years and Ariel as a Master Builder, for 14 years, which shows a great experience in the area in which they are certified.

was careful attention by the engineer who gave us the opportunity to tour some of the work performed by the actors, who were pleased to show their evidence, which, in spite of the restrictions on taking pictures we show . Here you can see some.

After a great ride, we sat in the kiosk called "India", a large structure made in Colombian pine-covered palm and was also executed one of them. We were able to verify each of the points evaluated in the checklists, were reported missing criteria and proceed to give an end to the protocol of the visit.

Again the safety routine but now upside down and once sitting in the reception area, point of departure, the Candidates and rested, expressed his great joy at the accomplishment.

As in the previous visit were evaluated with a checklist in hand the performance criteria and evidence of product in the same setting of Assessed Work.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brosnahan, Tom. Women In Turkish Society.

Progress Certification process: Convention SENA-ARGOS

On Monday March 3 conducted our first visit of Work for Evaluation and Certification of Skills of Seine-ARGOS CONVENTION. This time, the facilities I work in the construction MAITTE Fernando Mazuera located on Calle 91 with Carrera 71 Esquina, Barranquilla.

is the construction of 124 family and multifamily homes totaling about 112 apartments, a work in building systems that combine traditional industrial building systems.

The reason for our view: performance evaluation and presentation of evidence of product LUIS ALBARRACÍN our candidate, who works in the office of Master overall work more than 6 years experience in the Company's 15 years in various construction Bogotá, where he was transferred by the Company.

There, after the excitement of one who undergoes an evaluation process proceeded to collect evidence for the standard: Verify Grey Works Construction processes, according to the policies, plans, specifications and Industrial Safety, which includes Degree MASTER WORKS FOR BUILDINGS IN GENERAL.

During the tour, quite long by the way, I had the opportunity as EVALUATOR to make a first-hand observation of the performance of our candidate who proudly showed their achievements and told me one by one the challenges, successes and failures during construction of the project.

While this was happening, took samples and photographic evidence of the different facets of the work, contacted his superiors and workers with dependents, for evidence about the task of the TEACHER.

evidence for making use two checklists: LCH-D - 280301086, Performance Checklist and LCH-P 280301086, Product Checklist, which among other things evaluates:

· structural elements, location, direction, calculation of materials.

· Laboratory Sampling, handling concrete, mortar

· Supervision and construction management processes

· Organization of Work.

· interpersonal relations.

· Process Works Masonry Construction, supervision, direction and control

· ventaner Works.

· Management labor income,

· Construction Safety

and other parameters that could include in this article and are entered in the identified checklists.

the end of the Jornada, mission accomplished by the assessor and a great satisfaction for the candidate who overcoming the nervousness, demonstrated their skills and were satisfied of his achievements.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hemoglobin Sc Disease More Condition_symptoms

Industrial Center In: Advances in Process Certification certified competent

Progress in the Certification process: MASTER GENERAL BUILDING WORKS.

Sunday March 1 continued with the development of the Teacher Certification process in general in building works, responding to the Seine-ARGOS CONVENTION.

During the day it gave the participants the fundamentals and knowledge related to the methodology used for the presentation of evidence of performance, productivity and KNOWLEDGE and applied to certify the skills lab oral.

n is explain the basics of Tools and techniques used in each area, with special emphasis on:

checklists (L. CH). The list of Cheq ueo is a list of questions in the form of questionnaire used to determine the degree of compliance with the criteria established by the Standard. This instrument is used on construction sites to assess performance and product.

The cu estionarios (CT) . Questionnaires are written lists of questions are distributed among users r equ ieren extra effort on their part, who must respond to it and entered his egarlo Assessor. This instr ument is used for pres entation evidence of knowledge nance.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Light-headedness More Condition_symptoms


Given the program outlined by the Transportation Committee Process Apell - ANDI has scheduled a talk to raise awareness of the "EVALUATION AND CERTIFICATION PROCESS FOR TRANSPORT SECTOR BUSINESS SKILLS," which will be held on Friday, March 6 at 8:00 am to 11:00 am, at the premises of the ANDI, Old Customs Building. The event has been organized around 30 carriers in the city of Barranquilla. OBJECTIVE

awareness and provide participants with the fundamentals and knowledge related to the methodology used to certify job skills, specifically those that concern and are mandatory for drivers carrying dangerous goods. CONTENT

Abstract Normative requirements related to the transport of hazardous materials.

* Fundamentals of Industrial Skills.

* Procedures for Assessing and Certifying Occupational Competence.

* Shared Experiences Processes of evaluation and certification of the Transport Sector.

* Act early recognition of drivers tested and certified in Occupational Competency Standards for the freight sector in the city of Barranquilla.

coordinator job competencies of CINA, Lord Henry Ibarra Rangel, has been invited by the ANDI - APELL process in order to guide the agenda items related to the certification process.

Rabbit Hutch, Blueprints


As previously scheduled February 25, 2009 was made by the business CINA the first call to certify occupational competencies in the fields of Gas and Water Supply and Sanitation Basic.

thereby giving effect to the commitments of the POA 2009 for certification and the guidelines of the Directorate of Sinat: CONVENTIONS SENA ATTENTION - COMPANY (LINE 2 - circular 055, 24/02/2009)

The event was held in Industrial facilities and Aviation Center - CINA, who was invited 31 companies from the city and the region, attended by eight local companies that decided to accept the challenge of entering the world of Human Resource Management under the model of Job Skills.

organizations attending were: Mabe SA Industrias gas sector, companies providing public services water supply and sanitation as the Municipal Water Supply ESP Suan, Soledad SAESP Special WC, WC Technical SAESP SAESP Atlantic Waters and Aqueducts private industries serving as PIMSA SA, Gelco SA, Willard Batteries.

identified a total potential population of 629 certified workers and technical workers in various occupations related to the operation of water supply, transport and disposal of solid waste, industrial waste water treatment and home, plumbing, electricians, refrigeration technicians, installation and maintenance of gas appliances, drivers, mechanics, street sweeping operators, laboratory water, monitoring and administrative staff.

The call also identified needs for certification of workers in areas that are powers of other regional centers such as the Trade and Services and the Center for German Colombo.