Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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Industrial Center In: Advances in Process Certification certified competent

Progress in the Certification process: MASTER GENERAL BUILDING WORKS.

Sunday March 1 continued with the development of the Teacher Certification process in general in building works, responding to the Seine-ARGOS CONVENTION.

During the day it gave the participants the fundamentals and knowledge related to the methodology used for the presentation of evidence of performance, productivity and KNOWLEDGE and applied to certify the skills lab oral.

n is explain the basics of Tools and techniques used in each area, with special emphasis on:

checklists (L. CH). The list of Cheq ueo is a list of questions in the form of questionnaire used to determine the degree of compliance with the criteria established by the Standard. This instrument is used on construction sites to assess performance and product.

The cu estionarios (CT) . Questionnaires are written lists of questions are distributed among users r equ ieren extra effort on their part, who must respond to it and entered his egarlo Assessor. This instr ument is used for pres entation evidence of knowledge nance.


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