On 30 January 2009, the CINA made the first call for certification of labor skills in the transportation sector.
The event is invited to all transport companies with which the CINA worked in 2008 and new ones that had submitted their certification requirements and needs of their workers. Representatives from 16 companies:
Contecsa SA, Coltracarga Ltda., Atlantic Conveyor, E. Dani & Co.. Ltd., Transport Palma & Co. Ltd., Holcim Colombia SA, Transportes San Rafael, intertank SA, Chemical Transport SA, Transquiroga Ltd., CDA Super Cars, Cars CDA, CDA Diagnose, CDA Road 40, GM Car Check, Total Checars (Santa Marta).
certifiable potential candidates of the participating companies was established in 272 vehicle operators and freight handlers Automotive Diagnostic Center of the Department of Atlantico, Barranquilla and Santa Marta.
As a result of the session have signed 14 agreements of mutual support between the subaddress of the CINA and businesses. With an expectation of at least 544 certified NCL April 2009.
have been received eight work programs of the companies began to implement the evaluation process within their own organizations or evaluators support an evaluator SENA.
the same purpose of organizing the management of resources and improve the production sector and labor, the NASC is organizing for the last week of February the first 2009 session to certify job skills by convention in the gas sector and the field of Water and Sanitation - APSB.
is expected to have the assistance of companies such as Gas Caribbean, Triple A, WC Technical Special WC Soledad, OPSN - Malambo Aqueduct, Governor of the Atlantic - Unit APSB companies with which we are already working once, but it is also expected to have the assistance of new companies interested as PIMSA Aqueduct., Suan Aqueduct, Aqueduct Palmar de Varela, Aqueduct de la Sierra (Marsh) and other organizations that have expressed interest in qualifying human talent which currently have.
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